目的:探讨结直肠黏液腺癌的CT表现。方法:回顾性分析经病理证实为结直肠黏液腺癌的109例患者的CT资料,包括肿瘤的位置和长度、肠壁厚度及增厚的形式、增强形式、病灶内低密度区情况、肠周侵犯情况、有无结肠梗阻或其他器官转移、有无钙化。结果:109例结直肠黏液腺癌中,26例位于升结肠,10例位于横结肠,7例位于降结肠,22例位于乙状结肠,44例位于直肠。肿瘤长度1.9-17.6 cm(平均6.1 cm);病变肠壁厚度0.6-5.6 cm(平均2.1 cm)。89例为肠壁环状增厚,11例为肠壁局部增厚,9例为肠壁息肉样肿块。CT平扫病灶均呈稍低密度影,其中20例病灶内见钙化;增强后67例呈轻度强化,30例呈中度强化,14例呈明显强化;所有病灶内增强后均有不同程度低密度区域,49例表现为病灶内大量低密度影,39例表现为中量低密度影,21例表现为少量低密度影。肠周间隙轻度浸润的有51例,中度39例,重度19例。57例伴有肠周淋巴结转移,25例有腹膜种植转移,7例有肝脏转移,1例同时有肝脏和卵巢转移,1例有肺转移。结论:结直肠黏液腺癌的CT表现具有一定特征性,多表现为较大范围的肠壁环形增厚,均有低密度区并部分可见钙化灶,并常伴有淋巴结和腹膜种植转移。
Objective: To explore the CT findings of colorectal mucinous adenocarcinoma. Methods: The CT scans of 109 cases of eolorectal mucinons adenocarcinoma confirmed by surgery and pathology were reviewed retrospectively. Results: The tumors were located in the rectum in 44 cases, the sigmoid colon in 22 eases, the ascending colon in 26 cases, the transverse colon in 10 eases, and the descending colon in 7 cases. The tumor length ranged from 1.9 to 17.6cm (mean 6.1cm) with mean thickness of 2.1 cm (ranged from 0.6 to 5.6 cm). CT showed annular bowel wall thickening in 89 cases, regional bowel wall thickening in 11 eases, polypoid mass-forming in 9 eases. Nonenhaneed CT scan showed hypodense lesions, calcification in 20 cases and contrast-enhanced CT showed heterogeneous enhancement patterns. Contrast-enhaneed CT also showed different degree of low density region in the lesions, massive low-density region in 49 eases, moderate low-density region in 39 cases, and little low-density region in 21 cases. Perlrectal or pericolic infiltrations were moderate to severe. In the tumor spread patterns, lymph nodes metastasis was noted in 57 cases, peritoneal carcinomatosis in 25 cases, liver metastasis in 7 cases, liver and ovary metastasis in 1 case, and lung metastasis in I ease. Conclusion: There were some features of primary eolorectal mueinous adenocarcinoma in CT. It usually showed annular bowel wall thickening with low-density region, partly with calcification, lymph nodes and peritoneal earcinomatosis.