通过对光子网格资源管理新机制、光子网格中间件和光子网格用户网络接口等关键技术的研究,建立业务驱动的光资源动态调度方法,给出大块数据传输及视频点播(VOD)服务在可控光路与基于OBS的网格(Grid over OBS)模式下的业务应用模式。理论与实验证明业务驱动的光子网格关键技术的实现,使得光子网格能很好地为密集数据业务服务。
Based on the study of key technologies for photonic grid, such as resource management mechanisms, middleware, and user-network interface, the service-oriented dynamic resource control methods are obtained and the application modes are constructed for bulk-data transport and VOD service to be implemented with controllable optical paths and architecture of Grid-over-OBS. It has been proved both theoretically and experimentally that the service-oriented key technologies of photonic grid can make it better implement bursting data services.