The surface and bottom water samples were taken from the seaweed beds of Gouqi Island and the mussel culture area as the control points. Total DNA was extracted from sam-ples with the aid of bacterial universal primer and amplified by means of PCR and its product was analyzed with the 16SrDNA clone library technique to identify and analysis of the bacte-rial communities. The results indicated that the surface and bottom waters of seaweed beds contained five and six bacterial phyla and the surface and bottom waters of mussel culture ar- ea contained three and four bacterial phyla. The number of bacterial phyla in the seaweed beds was greater than the mussel culture area, and phylogenetic analysis showed that the Proteobacteria was the dominant group in the water samples, proportion in the four clone li-braries were 40.7%, 50%, 59.1%, and 48.1%. Gammaproteobacteria was dominant class. There were lots of sequences whose class status were undetermined, so it contained many microorganisms which were not cognitive. Proteobacteria Firmicutes and Actinobaceria were contained in all the water samples. However, there were big differences between the vertical distribution of water levels and different locations, and different function microbial groups might be closely related to their special habitats.