针对水稻幼嫩根系乙烯释放量极低的特点,研究了气相色谱法测定痕量乙烯的几个影响因素,以期解决目前测定痕量乙烯存在的问题。采用顶空瓶气流法收集4 d 苗龄的水稻根尖乙烯,比较了不同气样收集时间和收集温度对水稻根尖乙烯释放的影响,同时通过调整色谱测定参数,优化了色谱测定条件。确定了水稻根尖乙烯测定适合的气样收集时间为1-2 h,最佳收集温度为30℃;柱室温度、气化室温度和检测器温度参数分别由45℃、120 ℃和200 ℃调整为40 ℃、200 ℃和220 ℃,得到基线稳定的正态分布对称峰。该收集方法排除了外部损伤导致的乙烯迸发而造成结果不准确的因素,更能真实反应植物内源乙烯的变化,并且优化了色谱测定条件,使测定痕量乙烯的色谱法更加精确。
As the extremely low ethylene production in rice seedling roots is concerned, the experiments were conducted to study the factors affecting trace ethylene determination by gas chromatography, attempting to solve the problem existed in accurate ethylene measurement. By taking advantage of the permeametric method for collecting gas samples of 4-d old rice seedling roots in headspace vials, the effects of different collecting time and temperatures on the assay of rice roots ethylene evolution were compared. Simultaneously, the chromatographic conditions were optimized by adjusting the chromatographic measurement parameters. The appropriate time for collecting gas ethylene and the optimal gathering temperature were determined to be 1-2 h and 30 ℃, respectively. The column temperature, injector temperature and detector temperature were adjusted from 45 ℃, 120 ℃and 200 ℃to 40 ℃, 200 ℃and 220 ℃, respectively, which resulted in a typical normal distribution symmetrical peak with a smooth and steady base line in this spectrogram. The assay of the changes in plant endogenous ethylene production by this improved permeametric method is more effective by excluding the uncertainty of ethylene burst induced by external wound, leading to more accurate determination of trace ethylene.