作为二叠纪末植物集群灭绝的重要证据,目前国际上流行着“二叠纪末真菌事件”的说法,甚至将其作为划代的一个时间界面,但无论是植物属性、分布时代、是否真的是一个“事件”,都很成问题。所谓腐生“真菌”属Reduviasporonites实际上很可能是藻类(绿藻?),而且在前寒武纪已经存在,所谓高峰事件在区域岩石地层对比上也许有一定意义,但在年代地层上无全球对比价值。南阿尔卑斯、以色列、东格陵兰(海相)和南非(陆相)的P/T过渡剖面,都存在这样那样的缺点,不太适宜用于探讨二叠纪末植物的集群灭绝问题。浙江长兴煤山D剖面Hindeodus parvus带之上早三叠世青龙组与新疆大龙口陆相的锅底坑组上部一韭菜圆组下部的P/T过渡孢粉组合代表分子惊人地相似,而锅底坑组一韭菜圆组烧房沟组更是至今在北半球甚至全球广泛分布的、不同程度的二叠纪一三叠纪过渡植物群中,发现孢粉最丰富多彩、连续性最强者,也是二叠纪末陆生植物95%以上的种皆灭绝的主张者难以克服的障碍,即使将富产水龙兽的韭菜园组全部划归二叠纪,仍然如此。
The assumption of " end-Permian fungal event", proposed by several authors (Visscher and Brugman, 1988; Wood and Mangerud, 1994; Visscher et al., 1996) some 20 years ago, has been a hottest idea almost widely accepted, because it "can be considered to reflect excessive dieback of arboreous vegetation, effecting destabilization and subsequent collapse of terrestrial ecosystems". Different voices did exist (Krassilov et al. , 1999; Afonin et al. 2001; Foster et al. , 2002) regarding the plant affinity of those Reduviasporohires microfossils and their ecology as well as geological duration, etc. However, echoes are so weak that make the present authors a little surprised, for their efforts really deserve of attention. Although Wilson (1962) assigned Reduviasporohires to the Order Moniliales of Fungi imperfectae and mentioned the microfossils somewhat resemble the conidiospores of some species in the living Aspergillus, Penicilium, and Monilia, etc. , he also noticed that they markedly differ in size and in details of the spore walls. Unfortunately, his reservation has not attracted enough attention. Actually, the macroconidia of the Monilia type is from 10-12μm in diameter (while R. catenulatus is ca. 16-23μm), and the conidial chain is also entirely differs from those of Reduviasporonites. The conidia of Aspergillus echinulatus are 〈5-9μm in diameter, and the surface of spore walls is rough or with short coni;