就温度、光照、土壤水分条件对箭毒木Antiaris toxicaria Pers.Lesch种子萌发的影响及种子寿命进行了研究.结果表明:箭毒木种子萌发的适宜温度为15~35℃,最适温度为25~35℃,40℃高温是箭毒木种子的致死温度;周期性光照不能抑制种子的萌发,但全黑暗条件可以促进胚芽的生长;适宜土壤含水量为20%~70%,最佳含水量为40%;在室内自然摊放条件下,12周后发芽率减半,约18周后完全丧失发芽能力.箭毒木对热带干性季节性雨林生境有很强的依赖性,其濒危现状主要是由于滥砍乱伐和森林被破坏造成.由于箭毒木种子具有顽拗性种子的一些特点,该物种宜采取活体保存的方法进行保护,以就地保护为主,活植物迁地保护为辅.
A study was conducted of the effects of temperature, illumination and soil moisture upon the seed germination of Antiaris toxicaria (Pers.) Lesch and its seed lifespan. The results indicate that thee favorable temperature range for germination is 15~35℃ and the optimum temperature is 25~35℃; that the periodic alternation between illumination and darkness does not depress seed germination hut full darkness promotes shoot growth; that the favorable content of soil moisture is between 20%-70% while the optimum is 40% ; and that under the condition of indoor storage, its germinating rate decreases to 50% after 12 weeks and reduces to nil after 18 weeks. It seems that this species depends strongly on its native rain forest habitat for existence, whose endangered state is caused by denudation and deforestation. For some recalcitrant properties of its seeds, the protection of this species relies on in-situ conservation supplemented with ex situ conservation of living plants.