运用“跑步机”理论与剩余价值理论全面分析种业垄断形成原因。使用绝对市场集中度( CR)与相对市场集中度( HHI)测算方法,利用国际前10名种业公司数据及国内上市种业公司数据分别测算国际种业垄断程度与国内种业市场现状。结果表明,近年来(2006年至2013年)国际种业市场被国际种业寡头垄断,尤其集中于前4名种业集团,约占国际种业市场的二分之一,且寡头之间以互相持股或合资成立种业公司的形式加强了联系,并进一步控制世界种业市场;国内数据表明我国种业公司对国内种业市场的占有率( CR指数、HHI指数)相当低,年均占有率之和不到10%,因此,培育大型跨国种业集团成为我国种业发展的迫切需一是种业内部通过兼并、合并成立跨国集团,二是由其它资本实力较强的产业企业进入种业领域形成种业集团。
Based on the “treadmill” theory and the surplus value theory , this paper analyzes formation causes of seed industry oligopoly .Using international top 10 seed company data and domestic listed seed company data , the results of empirical study shows that international seed industry is in oligopoly in re-cent years (2006-2013), especially in the top 4 seeds groups and the oligarchs strengthen cooperation by mutual stock holding or by setting up joint venture companies .The domestic market share of Chinese seed companies (CR index, HHI index) is very low, less than 10% of average annual share.It is a pressing need to cultivate large multinational seed groups in China by mergers and acquisitions , or other industrial capital entering the seed industry .