采用机械化学激活与同步热激活相结合的固相反应法制备SrCoO2.5+δ(SC)透氧膜材料.借助热失重分析方法优化出反应物同步活化反应的温度条件:当以10 ℃/min升温到950 ℃进行固相反应时,参加反应的成份会同时被激化到活性状态,使合成SC产物的转化率提高,且所获得SC陶瓷膜样品的稳定性增加.氧渗透实验结果表明:氧空位无序的SC具有较高的透氧性能,随温度降低出现氧空位有序时,SC基本失去透氧性能;并且在升降温过程中,上述转变过程具有明显的回滞现象.
The SrCoO3-δ (SC) oxygen-permeable membranes were fabricated by solid-state reaction method modified in joint effect of mechanically chemical and synchronization-thermal activations.The preparation conditions were optimized with the aid of thermo-gravimetric analysis.And it was found that the stable SC membrane could be obtained by controlling the solid-state-reaction temperature at 950 ℃ with the rapid heating rate of 10 ℃/min.In the reaction,the reacting materials contacted with each other were synchronization-thermally active, and further led to the improvement of conversion for the SC production. During oxygen permeation, the resulting SC membrane appears with high permeability in the state of oxygen vacancy disordered; otherwise, the permeability disappeared as oxygen vacancy ordered, and an apparent hysteresis of this conversion took place during different heating and cooling processes.