As the main but peculiar legal source of civil law in the early Republic of China, The Ef- fective Section of the Current Criminal Law on Civil Affairs derived from The Great Qing Current Crimi- nal Law, and had been implemented for over 20 years in the early Republic of China. However, three judicial difficulties remained in the civil trial practices when legislative transformation from the crimi- nal law to the civil one stayed stagnated. First of all, there was no unified and explicit provisions. Secondly, the provisions had not yet been decriminalized. Finally, how did the antique laws and ordi- nates correspond to the new social circumstances and legal system? Through judgments and interpretations, Dali Yuan clarified the range of The Effective Section of the Current Criminal Law on Civil Affairs and transformed the provisions from criminal rules to civil ones. Meanwhile, through legal interpretation, analogy and concept referral, Dali Yuan not only en- sured the proper function of The Effective Section of the Current Criminal Law on Civil Affairs in the ju- dicial practice during the early Republic, but also innovated the code by concept comparison, theory reconcile and the penetration of right concept. The Effective Section of the Current Criminal Law on Civil Affairs is the transformation bridge of Chinese civil legal system, which stretched from the impe- rial period to 20th century.