生物被膜是大多数细菌在自然状态下的一种生长方式,使菌体具有浮游态时不具有的优势.它的形成和发展受到群体感应系统的调控,该系统是细菌依赖于群体密度而调控其生理行为的一种机制.其中LuxS/2型自诱导物(autoinducer 2,AI-2)群体感应系统又称种间群体感应系统,广泛存在于G+及G-菌中.其信号分子AI-2被认为是种间通用的信号分子,参与调控多种细菌的生物被膜.此外,目前已发现多种LuxS/AI-2型群体感应系统抑制剂,它们可以影响许多细菌生物被膜的形成.目前研究人员已开始致力于揭示LuxS/AI-2型群体感应系统调控生物被膜形成的分子机制,这对于进一步理解LuxS/AI-2型群体感应系统与生物被膜的关系具有重要意义.
The majority of bacteria form biofilms for growth and development and bacteria within biofilms may better adaptto environment than their planktonic counterparts. LuxS-dependent quorum sensing is a widespread system used by bacteriafor cell-to-cell communication, which can regulate biofilm formation in a cell density-dependent manner. Autoinducer 2 (AI-2)produced by LuxS, is a species-nonspecific signal used by both gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria for biofilmformation. Currently, several inhibitors of LuxS/AI-2 quorum sensing have been determined to influence biofilm formationbased on their anti-AI-2 communication mechanisms. Recently, there has been a surging interest in the mechanism of biofilmregulation by LuxS/AI-2 quorum sensing system, which is important to better understand the relationship between LuxSdependentQS system and biofilm formation.