以25尾人工繁殖中华鲟(Acipenser sinensis)和1尾捕捞于长江宜昌江段的野生中华鲟为研究材料,对其在水族馆中的驯养方法进行了研究。结果表明,26尾中华鲟已全部开口进食,其中有15尾人工繁殖原进食人工配合饲料的中华鲟开口进食生鲜饲料,且摄食生鲜饲料的品种越来越多;2005年4~8月,25尾人工繁殖中华鲟摄食的饲料数量稳步增加,并呈现出良好的生长态势;野生中华鲟摄食的饲料品种由1种逐渐增加至6种,日摄食量由120g逐渐增加至2000g并逐渐趋于稳定。说明水族馆驯养池的环境适合中华鲟生长。
25 artificially propagated Chinese sturgeons (Acipenser sinensis) of and 1 wild Chinese sturgeon caught in Yichang section of Yangtze River were used to carried on a research about domesticating method in the aquarium. The results showed: all 26 Chinese sturgeons had begun to take food, 15 artificially propagated Chinese sturgeons that originally eat artificialy mixed feed began to eat the fresh fodder, and the variety of the fresh fodder was getting more and more ; from April to August, the qnantity of feed taken by 25 artificially propagated Chinese sturgeons increased steadily, and these 25 sturgeons presented a good growth appearance; the wild Chinese sturgeon could eat as more as 6 kinds of baits by the time, and the quantity of the bait eaten every day increased from 120 g to 2 000 g gradually, and became steady. It indicated that the aquarium was suitable for the Chinese sturgeon to live.