第一师是新疆生产建设兵团的重点植棉区,提高机采棉的比重和质量对于积极推进兵团农业机械现代化水平和提高 农业生产效率具有重要意义.本文通过对第一师植棉职工的调查问卷,运用 Logistic分析方法,对职工个人特征、家庭特征、其 他因素等 3 大类 10个因素进行了定量分析,以期了解决定职工是否使用机采棉的主要影响因素.结果表明:职工对机采棉的采 用意愿中,职工文化程度、家庭耕地面积、棉花收入占家庭收入比重等5 项因素具有显著影响.在此基础上,提出了进一步普及 第一师机采棉的对策建议.
The first division is one of the main cotton planting areas of XinjiangDs Production and Construction Corps (XPCC), thus en-hancing the quality and the proportion of machine-harvested cotton has a crucial meaning for pushing forward the agricultural modernization and increase the productivity. This research was based on the survey on the cotton farmers of the first division, by applying the logistic analysis method, ten factors, including individual characteristics, family characteristics and otherfactors were analysed quantitatively, in order to un-derstand the main influencing factors effect the farmers cotton production. The results showed that five factors have significant effect on farmer's intention for adopting cotton pickers, including the farmers, education level, the scale of their farmland and the proportion of cotton profits in their annual income. Thus, based on the results, the paperputforward some suggestions forfurtherpopularizing cotton pickers.