针对杏干加工过程中鲜杏切瓣劳动强度大、效率低、质量差和卫生难以保障等问题,在对鲜杏几何特性及空间三轴旋转转动惯量研究基础上,提出了基于空间几何最小作用量原理的差速带式鲜杏动态定向输送原理,确定了样机的总体结构方案;进行了差速式鲜杏定向输送机理分析和关键工作部件的结构设计,设计了相应的鲜杏动态定向输送装置;以赛买提鲜杏为试验对象,以定向带/夹持带速比、定向带上口间隙和鲜杏尺寸为试验因素,定向准确率和切割准确率为试验指标,进行了鲜杏动态定向输送装置的性能试验;通过正交试验分析表明:定向带与夹持带速比为6.52,定向带上口间隙为15 mm,鲜杏横径尺寸为32.1~35.0 mm时,鲜杏在输送过程中的定向准确率为87.4%,切割准确率为85.6%。
Apricot is a very important fruit for production and trade in Xinjiang,China. Xinjiang is the largest apricot producer in total annual production and planted area. However,the fresh apricot is very liable to become putrid and perished during storing and transporting. And the losses of apricot perished in total annual amount accounted for about 20% during transporting,marketing and storing after harvest.Thus,it is clear that fresh apricot processing,especially in the planted sites has become the most important measure and the major bottleneck for apricot industry in Xinjiang. Traditionally,fresh apricots can be processed into various special flavor apricot products,including dried apricot slices,preserved apricots,canned apricots and apricot jams,which are very favorable. One among the apricot products is the dried apricot slices,represent of the local color apricot products processed. Based on the combination theory of agricultural machinery and agronomy as well as the related basic study,this research was conducted to determine the optimal structure and design parameters of the dynamic orientation device for fresh apricots in the light of study of the physical and mechanical properties of apricot during transportingand segueing,and to develop the dynamic orientation device for fresh apricot. And self-orientation mechanism was proposed based on principle of least action principle and apricot's physical properties.The differential speed conveying mechanism and interaction of friction with belt for fresh apricot were analyzed. The apricot's orientation position can be adjusted by orientation belt and clamp belt during conveyance process. Structure of apricot orientation device was schemed, including clamp belt,orientation belt,slope plate,clamp gap adjustment component,belt tension adjustment components and other auxiliary components. All those components created orientation channel. The clamp gap and belt tension can be changed by adjusting the adjustment components. Line speed of clamp belt and orientation ca