Pugionium cornutum(L.)Gaertn was a versatile sandy vegetable,which is also used for herbs,health protection and binding-sand.Based on the systematic research of sandy vegetable team of Inner Mongolia Agricultural University,such as the study of introduction and acclimation,breeding,cultivation technology,seed physiology,dynamics of growth and development,nutrition,,physiology of stress-resistence in Pugionium cornutum(L.)Gaertn..The paper summarized the non-polluted cultivation of Pugionium cornutum(L.)Gaertn in cultivated land and desert from following five aspects: habitat enviroment,cultivattin techique,pest and disease control,timely harvesting,storage and transport,production records.Providing the direction for nomaliztion cultivation,accordingly,enhancing the yield and inproving the quality of Pugionium cornutum(L.)Gaertn.