现有无线Ad Hoe网络路由协议的应用都基于节点间链路是对称的假设,无法适应网络中普遍存在的链路非对称的情况。为此,对现有802.11协议进行改进,提出了R—MAC方案。该方案通过改变MAC帧结构并对邻居节点收到消息的处理策略进行分支处理,使用正常的交互流程解决链路非对称问题,而非目前多数使用的设置直接和间接邻居节点列表的方式。仿真结果表明,在不增加系统开销的情况下,该方案能改善网络性能。
The existing routing protocols for wireless Ad Hoc networks are based on the hypothesis of symmetric link, which cannot adapt to the prevalent asymmetric link. The authors proposed a project named R-MAC to improve the IEEE 802.11 protocol. It solved the above problem by changing the format of frames, and doing branch processing to received frames. Then it solved the problem of asymmetric link by normal transmit mechanism instead of setting tables of direct and indirect neighbors. Emulation results verify that R-MAC improves network performance without increasing the system overhead.