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  • ISSN号:1664-3849
  • 期刊名称:世界科学技术-中医药现代化
  • 时间:0
  • 页码:679-683
  • 语言:中文
  • 分类:R768.1[医药卫生—耳鼻咽喉科;医药卫生—临床医学] R331.35[医药卫生—人体生理学;医药卫生—基础医学]
  • 作者机构:[1]福建省中医药研究院,福州350003, [2]福建省经络研究重点实验室,福州350003
  • 相关基金:国家科学技术部攀登计划(95-预-19-312):人体体表循经红外辐射轨迹显现规律及其形成机理的研究,负责人:胡翔龙;国家自然科学基金(30572309):循经红外辐射轨迹形成机理及其与经络调控功能的关系,负责人:胡翔龙;卫生部科学基金(批准号:WKJ2005-2-004):经络调控机理及其相关物质基础的研究,负责人:胡翔龙;福建省经络研究重点实验室资助项目,负责人:胡翔龙.本研究课题得到福建省自然科学基金(0510020)、福建省卫生厅(wzzj0601)、福建省教育厅(JA05287)资助,特此致谢.
  • 相关项目:循经红外辐射轨迹的形成机理及其与经络调控功能的关系

目的:联合同步观察大肠经上的皮肤微循环灌注量和经皮氧分压,初步确定针刺时经脉线上组织氧分压变化的原因。方法:应用PeriFlux System 5000经皮检测5名健康志愿者大肠经脉线上的偏历上一寸、手三里和手五里的皮肤微循环灌注量和经皮氧分压,观察这两个指标针刺合谷穴时的变化。在此基础上又观察了8名志愿者在相同情况下,加热刺激合谷穴时的变化;为进一步探讨经与非经能量代谢的差别。还观察了10名志愿者的手三里和手五里两个穴位及其两侧旁开非经对照点的皮肤微循环灌注量,以便比较分析。结果:在针刺合谷穴的实验组中,对三个水平微循环灌注量和经皮氧分压针刺前和针刺时的平均值进行同体配对t检验,结果微循环灌注量针刺时略高于针刺前;而经皮氧分压则显著降低(P〈0.01)。在加热刺激合谷穴的实验组中,对三个水平微循环灌注量和经皮氧分压加热前和加热时的平均值分别进行t检验,结果加热刺激时经皮氧分压低于加热刺激前(P〈0.01);微循环灌注量则略有升高。在非经旁开对照实验中,经线上的微循环灌注量略高于两侧旁开对照部位。结论:针刺穴位时经脉线上经皮氧分压降低是由于相关组织的能量代谢增强,耗氧量增加所引起,而非血氧供应减少所致。


This study attempts to clarify the causes behind a partially changed oxygen pressure by observing the micro circular perfusion and partial pressure of oxygen along the skin of LI meridian simultaneously. The findings provide some evidences for illustrating the mechanism of forming infrared radiant tracks along the meridian course (IRRTM). In this study, PeriFlux System 5000 (a three-channel Doppler measurement device) was employed to measure the micro circular perfusion and partial pressure of oxygen at three destined sites, including one-cun-above-LI6 (Pianli), LI10 (Shousanli), and LI13 (Shouwuli), on the Large Intestine Meridian of 15 healthy volunteers. Electro-acupuncture and heating were used to stimulate Hegu (LI14) in 33 volunteers. Volunteers were divided into three groups: an electro-acupuncture group, a heating group, and a PU control group. Comparing with the reading before acupuncture, the transcutaneous oxygen pressure (TcpO2) of the three measured points along Large Intestine Meridian went down noticeably during acupuncture (P〈0.01), while the micro circulation perfusion remained unchanged, though with a limited increase in some cases. It is believed that a reduced transcutaneous oxygen pressure along the meridian course during the stimulation is not caused by a reduced oxygen supply resulted from a decreased microcirculation perfusion, but rather from an increased oxygen consumption.
