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Heavy dibaryons in constituent quark model.
期刊论文 214
会议论文 9
著作 1
Role of the N*(1535) in??’production
Systematic study of pentaquark states, qq-qq-antiq configuration
Coupling constant for N*(1535)N
Hypernucleus Production by A(p,pK+)?B Reactions.
Role of t-channel ??meson exchange in S-wave ?N and KN scattering
Pentaquark Θ+ 的介质效应
Pentaquark Θ^+对核物质状态方程的影响
Role of the N*(1535) in pp ( pp? and ?- p ( n? reactions
Topological objects in the O(3) nonlinear Sigma model
The Small axial charge of the N(1535) Resonance
On the nature of the the lowest 1/2? baryon nonet and decuplet
Quark deconfinement in neutron star cores
Angular momentum of a brane-world model
Single and double peripheral production of sigmas in proton-proton collisions
Study of?KK strong interaction bound state and K+K- atomic state
N*(1710) contribution to ?+ production cross sections in pp collisions
Production of hypernuclei in A(p,K+)ΛB reactions,
Do strange 0+ heavy mesons have molecular structure in the heavy chiral unitary approach
Possible study of hypernuclear physics at CSR
Color confinement multi-quark resonance
S wave K? scattering and effects of ? in J/? (?K*0(892) K+?-
Heavy Quarkonium (+-(- Transitions and a Possible?bb?qq State
P-wave charmonium decays into baryon and antibaryon pairs in quark pair creation model
Quasielastic electron scattering in relativistic mean-field theory
Role of?qqqqq components in electro- magnetic transition ?*N(N*(1535)
Study on form factors at effective vertices.
Sigma meson production in heavy ion collisions at intermediate energies
Multi-quark components in baryons
Penta-quark components in baryons and evidence at BES
Pion Superfluidity and Meson Properties at Finite Isospin Density
Quantum chromodynamics quark benzene
Mirror Nuclei 12B and 12N in time-odd triaxial relativistic mean field theory
Theoretical prediction of differential cross sections for pp ( pn?+ reaction
Hypernucleus Production in Proton- induced Reaction.
Phase transitions in neutron stars within modified quark-meson coupling model
The?qqqqq components and hidden flavor contributions to the baryon magnetic moments
Spin and orbital angular momentum in gauge theory: nucleon spin structure and multipole radiation re
Reply to Comment on ‘Mass and K? coupling of N*(1535)’
Parametrization of fully dressed quark propagator
Antikaon condensation and deconfine- ment phase transition in neutron stars
Isospin violation in ?, J/?, ?’????? via hadronic loops
Role of meson loops in the f0(1370), f0(1500) and f0(1710) decay into V
Helicity amplitude analysis of hyperon nonleptonic decays in J?? or??(2S) decays
BEC-BCS crossover in the Nambu- Jona-Lasinio Model
Subthreshold ? contribution in J/??? decay to ??? and?KK
Possible S-wave bound-states of two pseudoscalar mesons
Chromo-polarizability and final state interaction
3P0 quark-creation mechanism for ?c decay to vector meson pairs
The strangeness form factors of the proton
Dynamically generated heavy mesons in a heavy chiral unitary approach
Mechanisms for ?cJ ????? decays
Effect of chiral symmetry restoration on pentaquark Θ+ mass and width at finite temperature and dens
J/? transport in QGP and Pt distribution at SPS and RHIC
Phase structure of Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model at finite isospin density
Is X(1812) a (K*?K*) molecular state
Nucleon polarizabilities in the perturbative chiral quark model
Role of the N*(1535) resonance and the ?- p ( KY amplitudes in the OZI forbidden ?- p ( ?N reaction
An alternative approach to the ?-meson -exchange in NN interaction
Strangeness spin, magnetic moment and strangeness configurations of the proton
The?ss asymmetry in nucleon and "NuTeV anomaly"
The?qqqqq components and the magnetic moments of the charmed and the bottomed baryons
Unifeid Expresion of All Integral Variational Principle
Testing the nature of the ?(1520) in the J/?(??K?p and J/?(??????? Reactions
On the structure of ππ invariant mass spectra of ?(4S)(?(1S,2S)π+π? decays
Study on ?NN S-wave elastic scattering cross section and possible bound state with constituent quark
Relativistic effects in two photon decay of 0-+ quarkonium
Heavy Quarkonium (+(- Transitions and a Possible bb?qq State
meson production in nuclear reactions
Antikaon condensation and in-medium kaon and antikaon production in protoneutron stars
Decay ?(3S)(??(1S) (+(- and a possible ?bb?qq state
Study about the binding energy of light hypernuclei 5?He, 4?He and 4?H based on chiral SU(3) quark m
A modified variational method.
Probing sigma meson produced in nuclear reactions
with double Y-ansatz confining potential
Gasser-Leutwyler Coefficients of Chiral Lagrangian for Pseudoscalar Goldstone Bosons
Topological Structure of Vortex Solution in Jackiw-Pi Model
η production in proton-nucleus collisions near threshold
Study of topological structure of vacuum by?lattice QCD
Phase structure in a quark mass density -and-temperature- dependent model
Theoretical prediction of differential cross sections for the reaction pp ?? pK+? in a resonance mod
Re-study of nucleon pole contribution in J/?(?NN? decay
Confining potential mode in baryon spectrum
Knotted Wave Dislocation with the Hopf Invariant
Thermodynamics with density and temperature dependent particle masses and properties of bulk stran
Influence of in-medium NN cross section on the isoscaling parameter
Strangeness in the proton and N*(1535)
0+ and 1+ heavy mesons in heavy chiral unitary approach
Unitary chiral dynamics in J/( decays into VPP and the role of scalar mesons
Nucleon spin and its gauge invariance and canonical commutation relation
Medium effect of nucleon-nucleon cross section on isoscaling parameter
On pp ( pK?, NK?, pp? - - the basic ingredients for strangeness production in heavy ion collisions
Average property of fragmentation reaction and momentum dissipation in heavy ion collisions
Mass and K? coupling of N*(1535)
J/? Production in Quark-Gluon Plasma
The?ss component of the proton and the strangeness magnetic moment
In-medium K and?K production and?K condensation in neutron star matter
Multi-quark states
General SU(2)L×SU(2)R×U(1)EM sigma model with external sources, dynamical breaking and spontaneous v
Influence of spin-orbit force on NN scattering
Sensitive prober for symmetry potential
S-wave K? scattering and dynamically generated scalar resonances
The linear - model and the observed enhancement in the mass spectrum of?pp in J/?(??pp
Suppression of nuclear Drell-Yan ratios due to energy loss effect
Study on strong decays of DsJ(2632)
在?(p, p')??反应中的N*(1535)激发及?介子产生
A study of the charm-baryonic structure from ?(1S) decays
Relativistic effects in two-photon decay of quarkonium
The ?? Phase Shifts from ?'(J/????Decays
An effective formulation on quantum hydrodynamics at finite temperatures and densities
Study of QCD vacuum structure by low-lying eigenmodes of overlap-Dirac operator
Dynamically generated 1+ heavy mesons
The ?-resonance effective mass in medium
Isoscaling Parameter as Possible Probe of Medium Effect of Nucleon-Nucleon Cross Section
Average property of isospin effects induced by neutron-halo nuclei
Chemical potential dependence of two-quark condenstate
Theoretical prediction with Monte Carlo simulation for pp( nK+?+ through ?++* resonance production
hypernuclei in a chiral hadronic model
Probing the Medium Effect and Isospin Dependence of in-Medium NN Cross Section in Heavy Ion Collisio
Some theoretical issues of hadron production and properties from J/? decays
Coupled channel effects in ???S-wave interaction
Subtraction of spurious center-of-mass motion in quark delocalization and color screening model
Analysis of time dependent density functional theory of transition wave- lengths of thioaldehedes a
Isospin momentum-dependent interaction and its role on the isospin fractionation ratio in intermedi
Isospin-and-momentum-dependent interaction in isospin-dependent quantum molecular dynamics
Influences of the isospin-dependence of in-medium nuclen-nucleon cross section and momentum dependen
Entrance channel effects on the isospin fractionation at the intermediate energy heavy ion collision
Topological Structure of Vortex Solution in Jackiw-Pi Model
Observation of two new N* peaks in J/? (?np?- and?pn?+ decays
Covariant tensor formalism for PWA of ? decays into ??BB, ??V and ?(2S) (??c0,1,2 with ?c0,1,2(?KK??
Study a0(980)-f0(980) mixing from a0(980)(f0(980) transition
The role of ?++*(1620) resonances in pp(nK+?+ reaction and its important implications
DD correlations as a sensitive probe for thermalization in high energy nuclear collisions
Glueball -?QQ mixing and OZI rule violation in the hadronic decays of heavy quarkonia
Special roles of loose neutron-halo structure on the fragmention and momentum dissipation in heavy i
Hadronization approach for a quark- gluon plasma in relativistic heavy ion collisions
Possibility of measuring a0(980)- f0(980) mixing from J/?(? a0
Differential directed flow of K+ meson within covariant kaon dynamics
Binding energy of light double hypernuclei ???He, ???He, ???H, ???He and ???H in chiral SU(3) quark
Paris?NN Potential and the possible resonance states of?pp
Spectra of free diquark in the Bethe- Salpeter approach
Tensor interaction effect in dibaryon
Nuclear effects in deep inelastic scattering of charged-current neutrino off nuclear target
Energy-Level shifts of a stationary hydrogen atom in a static external gravi- tational field with Sc
Isospin and a possible interpretation of the newly observed X(1576)
Eta production in proton-nucleus collisions near-threshold
A new mechanism for electromagnetic transition ?*N ( N*(1535)
Statistical analysis of aggregation in freeway traffic
Isospin- and momentum-dependent interaction in isospin-dependent quantum molecular dynamics
Dibaryon Signals in NN Scattering Data and Further Measurement at COSY,LEPS and CSR
Effective Mass of Pentaquark θ+ in Nuclear Mattert
Charmed Baryon in Diquark Model
线性σ模型和在 J/ψ→γpp^-的PP^-质量谱中观测到的增强现象的pp质量谱中观测到的增强现象的PP质量谱中观测到的增强现象
Structure of Spinor Field in Chiral Soliton Model
Unified Expressions of AH Integral Variational Principles
Density Dependent Coupling Constant of Pentaquark θ+ in Nuclear Matter
Role of t-channel meson exchanges in S-wave πN and KN scatterings
Improved Quark Mass Density-dependent Model with Quark andσ,ω Meson Fields Coupling
Effects of Δ-Isobars on Neutron Stars
Probing the medium effect and isospin dependence of the in-medium nucleon-nucleon cross section in heavy ion collisions
Isospin effects of the Skyrme potential and the momentum dependent interaction at intermediate energy heavy ion collisions
Gravitational Corrections to Energy-Levels of a Hydrogen Atom
Angular Momentum of Vortex in Jackiw-Pi Model
Improved Quark-Meson Model
Δ Decay Width in Nuclear Matter
Energy-momentum of a 3-brane Model
Angular Momentum of a 3-brane Model