In order to explore the variation of aggressive level in a plateau pika ( Ochotona curzoniae) population during different breeding seasons and test the predictions of evolutionary game theory, the methods of mark recapture and neutral a- rena were used to measure the frequencies and durations of fight behaviors of plateau pikas in the wild from May to August 2009. Frequencies and durations of fight behaviors between males from later May to early June were significantly higher than those from later July to middle August, while no significant differences of these two parameters between female were detected during the whole study period. Frequencies and durations of fight behaviors between males were significantly higher than those between females from later May to early June, while no significant differences of these two parameters between sexes were detected among other periods. The initiator of a fight was always the winner. Aggressor proportions in the popu- lation declined after the peak of reproductive cycle, which coincided with the predictions of evolutionary game theory.