提出一种短流优先的公平带宽分配机制FPIP(fair PIP).通过区别处理短流和长流的报文,FPIP能够将带宽优先分配给短流,然后将剩余的带宽在长流之间公平分配.此外,FPIP采用主动队列管理机制AQM(active queue management)检测拥塞并控制队列长度.仿真结果表明,FPIP在保证公平性、控制队列长度、减小Web流的响应时间等方面具有良好的性能.
This paper proposes a fair bandwidth allocation mechanism FPIP (fair PIP). Dealing differently with the packets of long flows and short flows at routers, the mechanism can preferentially allocate the bandwidth of the router to short flows and allocate the remaining among the competing long flows. Furthermore, it can keep the queue length of the router at a reference value using a well-designed active queue management AQM (active queue management) algorithm. The simulation results show that this new mechanism can outperform CSFQ (core-stateless fair queueing) in terms of fairness, queue length and the response time of Web flows.