This paper shows that the impact of the sex ratio imbalance on the labor share of in- come for enterprises is negative through a theoretical framework. The influencing mechanism is that the sex ratio imbalance would increase the capital intensity of enterprises, which would decrease the labor share of income when the elasticity of substitution between capital and labor is above one. Using the 2000 census and 2005-2007 industrial enterprises data of china, the empirical results support our argu- ment that the gender imbalance would lead to a decline of labor share of income for micro-enterprises. The conclusion is still reliable even after controlling marriage flow, minority sample, premarital age range etc. In addition, we find that the capital intensity of enterprises is a mediator which carries the influence of the sex ratio imbalance on the labor share of income for enterprises. Furthermore, the effect of the sex ratio im- balance on the labor share of income differs among enterprises with different investment sources. The reason behind this is that different types of enterprises have various degrees of dependency on the local financial market.