用PFI磨对杨木P-RC APMP浆进行打浆,分析打浆对纤维特性和浆料强度性能、光学性能的影响。结果表明,PFI磨打浆前期对纤维的切断作用明显,而中后期以细纤维化作用为主,纤维变得柔软。随着游离度的下降,纤维平均长度下降,扭结指数、卷曲指数先提高后下降再缓慢升高,细小纤维含量明显上升;成纸抗张强度大幅提高,耐破度先升高后降低;松厚度、挺度下降;白度、不透明度下降。
The poplar high yield pulp was beaten by PFI mill, then the effects of freeness on the paper properties and fiber morphology were analyzed. The results showed that, during the refining, the effect of cutting was obviously in the early, and then fibrillation and stretch were obvious. Decreasing the freeness could reduce the average fiber length, the curl index and kink index first rose then dropped. At the same time, the fines fraction, tensile strength and burst strength increased and the hand sheet become more smoothly. But bulk, stiffness, whiteness and opacity decreased with the freeness reduced.