Propose a rectification algorithm base on a pair of stereo images without calibration of camer- as. This method only needs the matching points of image pair,and has three steps. First, find a projec- tion matrix H' which transform the epipole in right image to infinite point, and the epipolar lines of this image become parallel to the x axis. Then, base on the fact that corresponding epipolar lines in rectified image are identical, the corresponding projection matrix H is followed to rectify the left image. At last, each image is re-sampled with the projection matrix H and H' to achieve image rectification. Further- more, by studying the relative position of cameras, the authors find that, the smaller the angle of princi- pal axes of camera pairs is, the farer the distance between epipole and image plane is, and the better the rectification result is. According to the comparison with two typical rectification methods that use funda- mental matrix with nonlinear optimization theory, this algorithm is rapid to rectify, and effectively elim- inate the vertical errors.