【目的】解剖分析烟青虫Helicoverpa assulta成虫脑的结构,并构建脑三维结构数字化模型。【方法】利用神经突触蛋白抗体,对烟青虫成虫脑进行免疫组织化学染色标记,利用共聚焦激光扫描显微镜获得脑扫描数码图像,并结合三维图像分析软件对烟青虫脑结构进行识别分析,构建三维模型。【结果】突触蛋白抗体免疫染色将烟青虫脑和颚神经节的神经髓区域清晰标记出来。烟青虫成虫脑与颚神经节愈合而成为一体,中间具有一个孔洞,为食道穿过的通道。脑主要包括前脑、中脑和后脑3部分。依据染色标记结果识别和构建了至少16个脑神经髓结构。这些神经髓包括边界清晰的视叶、前视结节、蕈形体、中央复合体和触角叶及其亚结构。除此之外,还包括围绕这些神经髓的其他前脑神经髓区域,但这部分前脑神经髓内部边界模糊,不容易细分,而将其与颚神经节区域作为一个整体标记为中间脑,占脑总神经髓的55.05%。【结论】识别出烟青虫脑的主要功能结构区域,并成功构建了三维模型。该研究结果为进一步研究烟青虫脑接收、处理和整合感觉信息及调控行为的机制奠定了解剖学基础,并为研究烟青虫或其他昆虫脑结构发育、变异和重塑提供结构形态和体积大小依据。
[ Aim ] The aim of this study is to investigate the anatomy of the brain of Helicoverpa assulta (Lepidotpera: Noctuidae ) adults and to create a digital three-dimensional brain model. [ Methods ] Immunohistochemical staining with synaptic protein antibody was used to label the neuropil structure of the brain. By using a confocal laser scanning microscope we obtained digital images of the brain, which were analyzed by using the three-dimensional image software, AMIRA. [ Results ] The immunostaining with synaptic protein antibody visualized the neuropil regions of the brain and the gnathal ganglion of H. assulta. In adults, the brain and gnathal are fused, but with a hole in the middle, which results from the bypassing esophagus. The brain is composed of protoecerebrum, deutocerebrum and tritocerebrum. Based on the synapsin staining, such neuropils of the brain as the optic lobes, the anterior optic tubercles, the mushroom bodies, the central complex, the antennal lobes and their sub-regions were identified and reconstructed. In addition, the large part of the protocerebrum surrounding these neuropils, plus the gnathal ganglion, was reconstructed and categorized as the whole midbrain. This structure includes about 55.05% of the total brain neuropil. [ Conclusion] These results provide knowledge that is essential for understanding the basic neuroanatomical principles underlying information processing, integration of muhimodal input, and behavioral regulation. And the findings are important for future projects intending to study the development, variation, and plasticity of insect brain structures.