本研究采用生防菌处理玉米种子后测定玉米鲜重、干重、株高等农艺性状指标,获得7株对玉米具有促生作用的生防细菌;利用Salkowski比色液对7株菌进行吲哚乙酸(IAA)分泌能力的定性及定量测定。结果显示:7株菌能不同程度的提高玉米鲜重、干重、株高等农艺性状指标;其中菌株解淀粉芽孢杆菌C3处理后,玉米鲜重、干重、株高等农艺性状指标提升最高,较对照分别提升了185%,215%,66%;7株菌均可分泌IAA,其中菌株解淀粉芽孢杆菌C3生长素分泌能力最强,为251.37 mg/m L。该研究是国内将解淀粉芽孢杆菌作为玉米促生细菌的首次报道。
In this study, the test biocontrol bacteria were used to treat the maize seeds. Seven growth- promoting bacteria were selected through the detection of maize fresh weight, dry weight, height. Salkowski colorimetric solution was used for the IAA secrete ability detection of 7 test strains. The re- sults showed a different levels increase of three agronomic traits which treated by 7 test strains; With the deal with Bacillus arnyloliquefaciens strain C3, the maize fresh weight, dry weight, height were increased 185%, 215% and 66%, respectively; 7 strains have a different IAA secrete ability; the B. amyloliquefaciens strain C3 has a higher IAA secrete ability than other 6 strains, 251.37mg/mL. This is the first report of B. amyloliquefaciens used for maize growth-promoting in China.