通过对赣州市18个县市区1275个脐橙果园土壤样本中的有效硼含量分析,结果表明:土壤有效硼平均含量为0.16 mg/kg,缺硼比例为87.1%;土壤硼状况最好的龙南县,其有效硼平均含量为0.26 mg/kg,缺硼比例是64.7%;缺硼最严重的章贡区,其土壤有效硼平均含量仅为0.09mg/kg;南康县缺硼比例高达97.8%;脐橙的3个产量大县,信丰、寻乌、安远的土壤有效硼平均含量分别为0.18、0.16和0.15 mg/kg,缺硼比例各占77.3%、86.2%和91.7%。
The study investigated the soil available boron content of 1 275 soil samples of navel orange orchards from 18 counties in Gannan region.The results showed that the average content of soil available boron(Hot Water Boron,HWB) was 0.16mg/kg and that the proportion of boron deficiency was 87.1%.The best soil available boron status in Ganzhou was found in Longnan county where the average content was 0.26 mg/kg and the boron deficiency was 64.7%.The worst soil available boron status was in Zhanggong district,where the average content of soil available boron was only 0.09mg/kg,and the proportion of boron deficiency in Nankang county was 97.8%.In the three largest navel orange production counties,Xinfeng,Xunwu and Anyuan,the content of soil available boron were 0.18 mg/kg、0.16 mg/kg and 0.15 mg/kg,and the proportion of boron deficiency were 77.3%、86.2% and 91.7%,respectively.