Direct coupling series compensation equipments are usually used to solve many kinds of power quality problems such as voltage sag,voltage swell,voltage instantaneous interruption and so on.It will incur magnetic saturation or magnetic biasing due to the voltage change of loads with magnetic saturation characteristic when series compensation equipments are compensating.In order to solve the current inrush caused by magnetic saturation when the series compensation equipment is at the initial stage of operation,this paper analyzed the forming process of magnetic saturation and magnetic biasing,and provided the control strategy of suppressing magnetic saturation based on the magnetic balance theory.It properly uses the output of series compensation equipments to control load voltage to eliminate the magnetic saturation problem and avoid the destructive influence caused by inrush current,and realizes rapid,safe and effective compensation.The simulation and experiments results show that the inrush current is under control,and testify the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposing control strategy.