The nuclear encoded internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region and the plastid encoded trnL-F region were sequenced for 17 samples from 12 species of the genus Ardisia Sw. and outgroup Rapanea lin- earis. Based on maximum parsimony and neighbor-joining analyses, we reconstructed the phylogenetic relationships of 19 samples of Ardisia. The two methods generated similar trees. Nineteen samples of Ardisia are separated into six clades in trnL-F trees. Eighteen samples of Ardisia are separated into two clades in ITS trees. The results showed that the genus Ardisia Sw. could not be a monophyletic group. The Sect. Akosmos ( Ⅰ ) and Sect. Bladhia ( m ) form a clade in ITS trees, which indicated that they were closely related. Four samples of A. japonica form two clades in ITS trees, which showed that there were at least two types of nuclear genome in A. japonica population. According to analysis of the chromosomes number, ITS sequences and trnL-F sequences, A. japonica is supposed to be a allotetraploid.