In order to solve the problem that single-ended traveling wave fault location is hard to implement automatically and reliably, because of the difficulties in wavefront detection, based on historical data, an experiential learning improvement method via multi-stage case-based reasoning was proposed in this paper. The characteristics of actual fault induced traveling wave currents and the factors affecting the converted fault distance were analyzed at first. According to the feature of similarity and repetition of the faults induced traveling waveshapes, the parameterized cases of wavefront detection and converted coefficient were described separately, and then intelligent fault location was performed reusing the most similar known cases key parameters by searching the nearest neighborhood historical cases in each feature space. The proposed method is capable of reusing the final conclusions for repetitive faults, and reusing the solving methods for the cases which are similar with historical cases. The performance of the fault location increases gradually with the accumulation of actual fault samples. The proposed method is proved feasible and effective by actual datasets captured by travelling wave fault location devices of different manufacturers.