In order to improve the efficiency and yield of Xinjiang mutton production, this paper wassummarized and analyzed the Xinjiang mutton production, breeding and multi-fetal sheep introduction.In accordance with the current situation of Xinjiang mutton sheep industry,we given the suggestion asfollows: We need to carry out the sheep molecular breeding methods (major gene anchoring breedingmethod and major gene continuous polymerization breeding method), which can reduce of breeding gen.erations, rapidly completed the new sheep varieties breeding.We should constuct the sheep molecularbreeding system, which can accuratly and efficiently complete application, demonstration and promotionof the new sheep varieties.All of these methods above could be used in Xinjiang multi-fetal sheep in.troduction, improvement, breeding and production. We also need to established import group, produc.tion group and nucleus group for multi-fetal sheep breeding, which could achieve sheep varieties breed.ing and application synchronously in Xinjiang.Sheep molecular breeding technology will rapidly increasethe rate of Xinjiang sheep breeding and production, promote development of Xinjiang sheep industry.