新疆绵羊产羔率低是限制肉羊业发展的关键因素,因此,本地品种绵羊的多胎性状改良和培育是当前新疆肉羊产业发展的重要内容。绵羊多胎分子改良以快速建立多胎生产母羊群体为目的,将多胎品种绵羊携带的Fec B基因直接导入新疆本地商品肉用羊生产群体,通过多胎Fec B基因的快速扩散和纯合,并采用回交方式恢复回复新疆本地品种绵羊遗传特性,分阶段组建多胎导入自繁群体和多胎生产自繁群体,为农区和半农半牧区肉羊养殖提供大量适应性强、放牧性好的商品化多胎生产母羊群体。这将有效解决新疆肉羊产业发展中优质多胎品种羊的来源问题,快速提升大规模肉羊群体繁殖率,增加新疆肉羊业生产效率和经济效益。绵羊多胎分子改良方法操做简单、投入少和容易规模化,极大降低了饲草料成本,提高了群体产羔率,保障新疆肉羊产业持续、稳定和健康发展。
The low lambing rate of sheep in Xinjiang was the key factor to limit the development of mutton sheep production. In order to obtain the improved multi-fetal sheep breeds, we used small tail Han sheep or Hu sheep to crossing with Altai sheep and Bashbay sheep to improve the lambing rate of filial generation. We had used DNA molecular marker technology to select FecB gene in filial generation, and adopted backcrossing to restore the genetic characteristics of native sheep breeds in Xinjiang. We had producted the multiple-fetal sheep groups and provided a large number of adaptable and grazing sheep for agricultural grow areas in Xinjiang. This will rapidly increase meat production and economic benefits in Xinjiang.Sheep molecular genetic improvement technology will rapidly increase the rate of Xinjiang sheep breeding and production, promote development of Xinjiang sheep industry.