在扩展的引力模型的基础上,以我国和2 3 个O E C D 国家2000-201 2年的双边服务贸易数据为样本,分析了扩大内需对服务贸易出口和服务贸易进口的影响.研究结果表明,内需驱动战略确实能有效促进一国服务贸易的发展,但并不能有效改善服务贸易逆差扩大的状况.从其他方面来看,与贸易伙伴国之间的距离越近,越有利于一国服务贸易的发展.另外良好的司法制度也能对一国服务贸易产生显著的积极作用.
This paper is a research into the influence of an increased domestic demand on the export and importof service trade on the basis of an analysis of bilateral statistical data between China and other 23 OECDcountries from 2000 to 2012 in terms of extended gravity model. The findings indicate that, while the strategyof expanding domestic demand does promote the development of service trade export, it can not improve thedeficit of service trade. So far as other respects are concerned, closer distance between trading partners andgood judicial systems enhance a country's service trade.