为探究土壤含水率与导热率的空间分布特征和相关性,选取温室中8 m×8 m供试地块,以1 m×1 m网格间距布设采样点,测定0-40 cm土壤含水率,并同步获取0-20 cm土层的导热率。基于经典统计学、地统计学、回归分析和谱分析等理论,对土壤含水率与导热率的空间分布特征和相关性进行研究。结果表明,土壤含水率在0-40 cm土层呈现先升高后降低的趋势,且在20-30 cm土层均值最大。10-20 cm土层土壤导热率比0-10 cm土层高15.60%。各深度土层中土壤含水率及导热率存在着较强的空间相关性(块金系数〈0.192),而试验中随机因素引起的空间变异程度较低(块金值〈0.540),最小变程大于采样间距,说明网格布设满足空间分析要求。在供水均匀条件下,不同深度土层的蒸发强度与邻域地块的土壤水分含量亦会影响含水率空间分布。在含水率范围为17%-28%时,0-20 cm土层土壤含水率与导热率呈线性正相关(R^2=0.837),谱分析结果显示导热率在含水率序列上呈现长程负相关。
Soil hydrothermal coupling process widely exists in engineering and agriculture field. As 2 important physical features of soil, soil water content and thermal conductivity are meaningful for soil organic matter accumulation, chemical reaction rate and coupled transfer of water and heat. Many relevant tests were completed in laboratories, and test conditions were mostly artificial conditions instead of open air conditions, under which research area was different from one another, which could make the stability influenced easily by other factors. This experiment was conducted under a stable greenhouse condition and research area was in small scale, which helped to make sure the similarity of different sampling areas. To explore the distribution characteristics and relevance between soil water content and thermal conductivity, an 8 m × 8 m tomato field in the experimental greenhouse was selected. The division was conducted with 1 m × 1 m grid and 64 sampling points were set in total. The sampling method was to use soil drill to obtain samples from 0-40 cm depth soil layer. Drying method was used for measuring soil water content. By means of the portable soil thermal conductivity instrument (MTN01), which was based on the non-steady-state probe (NSSP) technology, thermal conductivity of the 0-20 cm depth soil layer was measured. On the basis of classical statistics, geostatistics, regression analysis and spectrum analysis theories, the distribution characteristics and relevance between soil water content and thermal conductivity were studied. Contour map were used to analyze the spatial distribution characteristics of soil water content and thermal conductivity. Also spectrum analysis of soil thermal conductivity on the sequence of soil water content was carried out. According to the principle of spatial spectrum analysis, soil water content was used as distance sequence with thermal conductivity as variable sequence, 32 intervals were set up with step length of 0.35%, and then the Fourier transform was co