Located in Wuyi Mountain within Huichang county of Jiangxi Province, the Yanbei tin deposit with rich original topaz is a large-sized tin deposit in the study area. Its major tin orebodies are mainly hosted in the contact zones of granite porphyry and rhyolitic porphyry. The ore mainly has disseminated, veinlet-disseminated and nervation. Ore minerals consist simply of cassiterite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, molybdenite etc; gangue minerals are mainly quartz, topaz, fluorite, chlorite, sericite etc; and the ores occur in disseminated and veinlet forms. Fluid inclusions in quartz from Yanbeitin deposit were studied by such means as petrography, microthermometry and Laser Raman Spectrometer analysis. Some conclusions have been reached through results: there are mainly liquid rich two-phase vapor-liquid inclusions, gas rich two-phase vapor-liquid inclusions, CO2-bearing three-phase inclusions and minor daughter minerals-bearing polyphase inclusions. Fluid inclusions in quartz in the pre-ore stage and post-ore stage are mainly liquid rich two-phase vapor-liquid inclusions. The homogenization temperatures and salinities of the former stage vary from 228~433℃ and from 4.34%~17.26% respectively, and those of the latter stage vary from 147~195℃ and from 1.91%~6.3% respectively. During the mineralization stage, all the four types of fluid inclusions were formed in ores, their homogenization temperatures and salinities range from 180~349℃ and from 3.87%~15.47% respectively. The analytic results through Laser Raman Spectroscopy suggest that the fluids are rich in H2O, CO2, SO2, HCl and HF. According to previously analyses of the isotopic composition of hydrogen and oxygen of the ores, it was suggested that the ore-forming fluid was mainly derived from the magmatic water and meteoric water mixing in the later. Combined with previous researches on Yanbei tin deposit, this paper maintains that the ore-forming fluid derived from magmatic water, meteoric water mixed in the later, resulted in the fell of temperature and salini