Based on the perspective of innovation value chain, we divide the innovation activity into three stages : knowledge innovation, research and development innovation and product transformation innovation, studying the spatial pattern and temporal evolution of each stageJ s innovation activities. The results indicate that : firsdy, the average growth rate on knowledge innovation output is lower than that of the research and development innovation and product transfoimation innovation ; secondly, spa-tial concentration and correlation are significant and have steady growth trend for research and devel-opment innovation, but convergence is not significant; knowledge innovation activities have signs of convergence and its convergence is obvious ; There exists a steady decline in spatial concentration for product transformation innovation, and they have neither spatial concentration nor convergence ; Third-ly ,China gradually forms a pattern of high - level regional innovation cluster centered on Shanghai, while the north - western districts form a low level of innovation cluster pattern through the entire in-novation value chain, which indicates that the regional characteristics of Chinese provincial innovation activities is pronounced.