描述了产自二连浩特呼尔井组的啮齿类化:Allosrrdnthus cf.A.diconjugatus,A.majusculus,A.ernos,Prosciurus pristinus sp.nov.和Marmotini gen.et sp.indet.。Prosciurus pristinus的特征是P4的前附尖较弱小,p4无下中附尖和下中尖,以及下次脊较低弱等。认为Banyuesminthus是Allosminthus的后出同物异名。上述啮齿类的发现也证明呼尔井组的时代为晚始新世。
Dipodids, aplodontids and sciurids recently collected from the Houldjin Formation in Eren- hot, Nei Mongol, were described. All of them represent the first records of their kinds in Late Eocene of Nei Mongol. The discovery has not only expanded the distribution of these taxa in Asia, added new elements to the Houldjin fauna, but also provided new information in age determination of the Houldjin Formation. All the fossils described here were collected from IVPP Loc. 1988001, east to the Railway Station of Erenhot.cone, forming protoloph 1; postero-lingual crest of paracone tending to meet posterior arm of protocone, forming protoloph II. On M2 and M3 metaloph meeting anterior arm of hypocone. On lower molars ectolophid present, mesolophid short or absent. On ml and m2 metalophid II and hypolophid complete. On ml trigonid short and narrow, anteroconid very small. On m2 an- teroconid near midline. On m3 metalophid II weak and hvoolophid usually absent.