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  • 期刊名称:古脊椎动物学报, 2007, 45 (1): 43~58
  • 时间:0
  • 分类:Q915.873[天文地球—古生物学与地层学;生物学—古生物学]
  • 作者机构:[1]中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所,北京100044
  • 相关基金:国家自然科学基金重点项目(编号:40232023)资助.致谢 中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所的齐陶研究员和毕初珍女士,内蒙古二连恐龙博物馆的吴丽君、张全中和宁培杰,中国人民解放军84994部队的王培玉、吴立传、栗泽喜和田东胜等同志参加野外考察和采集标本;本文得益于与古脊椎动物与古人类研究所的李传夔、邱占祥、吴文裕、张兆群等研究员和美国纽约自然历史博物馆的孟津博士的讨论;美国纽约自然历史博物馆的Tedford和孟津博士允许借阅该馆的有关标本,并同意笔者对有关标本进行研究和在我国的刊物上发表;插图由沈文龙先生绘制,在此一并表示诚挚的谢意!
  • 相关项目:临夏盆地晚新生代哺乳动物群演替及气候环境背景变迁
作者: 王伴月

记述了采自内蒙古二连浩特、额尔登敖包、扎木敖包和豪斯布尔都等地上始新统的兔形类化石:Desmatolagus vetustus、Gobiolagus tolmachovi和Leporidae indet.。对前两种以前未知的部分作了补充描述。着重讨论了额尔登敖包地点的“下白层”的归属和时代,认为它属乌兰戈楚组,时代为晚始新世。


During 1980 -90 's, some fossil lagomorphs were collected from Late Eocene of Erenhot, Urtyn Obo ( = Erden Obo) and Haosiburdu Basin, Nei Mongol, by the teams of IVPP using screen washing technique. They are first discovered in these localities. The new discovery not only expanded the distribution of the lagomorphs in Asia, added new material of the lagomorphs and augmented the content of the faunas at the localities, but also played an important role in determining the ages of the fossiliferous beds in these localities. The undescribed specimen collected from Jhamo Obo by the Third Asiatic Expedition is also described here. 1 Systematics Lagomorpha Brandt, 1855 Ochotonidae Thomas, 1897 Desmatolagus Matthew & Granger, 1923 Desmatolagus vetustus Burke, 1941 ( Fig. 1A - K; Table 1 ) Specimens 1P2 (IVPP V 14759. 1), 1P3 (V 14759.2), 4P4 (V 14759.3 -5, V 14760.1), 13M1/2 (V 14759.6- 14, V 14760.2 -5), 2M3 (V 14759.15 -16), 2p3 (V 14759.17, V 14760.6), lp4 (V 14760.7), 7ml (V 14759.18 -23, V 14760.8), 4m2 (V 14759.24-25, V 14760.9- 10), and l m3 (V 14759.26). Localities and horizons IVPP LOc. 1988001 (V 14759), east to the Railway Station of Erenhot, upper Eocene Houldjing Formation; IVPP Loc. 1991004 (V 14760) , Urtyn Obo, Siziwang Qi, "Lower White" of upper Eocene Ulan Gochu Formation. Remarks All the described specimens are lower crowned. The P2 and P3 are trilobate in occlusal view. The central cusp is the highest, and extends anterolingually and joins with the metastyle. The crowns of P4 - M3 are slightly higher lingually. M3 is small and its highly reduced talon is only composed of one small cusp. p3 is trilobate in occlusal surface, with one shallow anterior lingual reentrant and a deep hypostriid. The middle cheek teeth ( p4, ml and m2) are brachydont, with a narrow entostriid nearly as high as the wide hypostriid in height. The enamel layer of the posterior wall of the trigonid is thick and has a spike project backwards at
