Gongchangling Iron Mine has the deep fractured high-grade orebody. Although harder reinforced concrete was used to support mining roadways, the wall rock of mining road- ways was seriously broken. It resulted in inability to extract the massive high-grade ores. Based on the investigation and analysis of the broken mining roadways, the failure of mining roadways is mainly caused by the jointing crevasse growth of high-grade ore body. The rigid support currently used is not suitable for the character of high-grade orebody and the sublevel induced caving stoping scheme is put forward and the first stoping level is in The mining level height is 60m 310m level. Based on the rock mechanics parameters by the experiment, the structural character of easy-caving is analyzed and the stoping scheme of sublevel in- duced caving is proposed. It is expected that this scheme can ef- fectively solve the stoping problem in Gongchangling Iron Mine.