从滇南黄草乌Aconitum vilmorimianum Kom.植物的根和茎中分离获得37株内生真菌,经显微形态观察进行初步鉴定,归属为3目、5科、12属,其中镰孢霉属为优势属;且滇南黄草乌不同部位内生真菌的数量、分布和种群存有差异。
Thirty-seven strains of Endophytic fungi were isolated from the root and stem of A conitum vilmorimianum Kom plant, and endophytic fungi were morphologically identified to belong to twelve genera, five families and three orders, Fusarium were dominant families; and the diversities made in quantity, composing and distributing of the endophytic fungi from Aconitum vilmorimianum.