In recent years,the collisional redistribution of radiation and collision-induced broadening of Rydberg atomic spectral lines by buffer gas perturbation have aroused the renewed interest.Rydberg atoms having a large dipole moment and long lifetime can interact with each other coherently for relatively long time,which makes them a potential candidate for quantum information processing.Besides,collisional redistribution has an important potential application in laser cooling and trapping.Based on previous experimental data,in this paper,two-nondegenerate four-wave mixing(NFWM) for studying atom collision,composed of two-photon resonant NFWM and collisional redistribution NFWM,is reported.The spectrum variation of the two-NFWM affected by the pressure,temperature,detuning and collision-broadening rate coefficient is analyzed.The principle of two-NFWM involving three incident beams is explained as follows.Consider two-NFWM in a|0〉|1〉|2 cascade three-level system,where states between |0〉 and |1〉 and between |1〉 and 2 are coupled by resonant frequencies Ω1 and Ω2,respectively.Beam 1 with frequency ω1 propagates along the direction opposite to the direction of beam 2,beams 2 and 2' have the same frequency ω2,and between their directions there exists a small angle.Assuming that ω1≈Ω1 and ω2≈Ω2 so that ω1 drives the transition from |0〉 to |1〉 while ω2 drives the transition from |1 〉to 2,the simultaneous interactions of atoms with beams 1 and 2 will induce atomic coherence between |0 〉and |2〉 through two-photon excitation.This coherence is probed by beam 2',and as a result a two-photon resonant NFWM signal of frequency ω1 is generated in the direction almost opposite to the direction of beam 2'.To avoid strong absorption at the resonant frequency of transition from |0〉 to |1〉,here the wavelength of beaml is detuned from the exact resonance.An atom population of level |1〉 caused by collisional redistribution can be induced when a certain buffer g