白水河滑坡位于三峡大坝以西56 km,为三峡库区重点监测滑坡之一。自2003年9月被纳入二期专业监测点以来,该滑坡一直被严密监测。2007年汛期该滑坡曾出现险情,并发布蓝色与橙色预警。目前,通过对该滑坡的监测积累了大量的监测数据,包括:地表GPS监测点位移、地下水位、钻孔测斜、滑坡推力、大气降雨以及三峡水库水位等。根据近十年的野外监测数据,该滑坡自2003年以来一直持续变形,降雨与库水位变化造成白水河滑坡地下水位变化,进而影响其整体稳定性。在强降雨和库水位同时下降的极端条件下,滑坡有可能加速变形。本文利用加拿大Geo-Studio岩土仿真软件SEEP/W模块模拟白水河滑坡在降雨入渗作用下瞬态渗流场,量化分析了白水河滑坡坡体内孔隙水压力变化与大气降雨之间的关系,并使用SIGMA/W模块,将瞬态孔隙水压力分布运用于滑坡变形分析中,探讨了该滑坡地表变形幅度与降雨强度之间的关系,以期为极端天气下水库区松散堆积层滑坡稳定性和变形机理分析提供借鉴。
Baishuihe landslide is located 56 km west of China Three Gorges Dam and it is one of the key landslides being monitored in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area. It has been closely monitored and included in the second phase of the "Professional Landslide Monitoring System " in September 2003. During the 2007 flooding season,blue and orange alerts signals were issued indicating that alert and emergency situation were developing on this landslide. A large number of monitoring data has been collected, such as surface displacement measurement using GPS,ground water measurements,drilling logging data,rainfall record and reservoir water level fluctuations. According to these observations,the landslide has been in continuous deformation since at least 2003. Rainfall and water level fluctuations,which causing changes in groundwater,are the major factors controlling the deformation and stability of Baishuihe landslide. Under the extreme conditions of simultaneously heavy rainfall and lowering reservoir water level,landslide movement is expected to accelerate. Using the software Geo-Studio,this paper summarizes the seepage analysis which calculates the transit pore pressure condition in the soil due to rainfall infiltration. The relationship between the movementand rainfall has been explored by applying the transit pore pressure condition into the movement analysis in SIGMA / W. This provides great insights into the landslide stability analysis under extreme climatic conditions.