黄脊雷蓖蝗Rammeacris kiangsu Tsai在各分布区域均1年发生1代,以卵在土壤内越冬,是我国的重要森林害虫,给竹业生产造成严重的危害.以采自湖南桃江的黄脊雷蓖蝗为材料,对其胚胎形态进行了观察,将其胚胎发育划分为10个阶段.此外,黄脊雷蓖蝗的胚动属于反向移动,在25℃的恒温条件下其胚动主要发生在产卵后45—75d.
Rammeacris kiangsu Tsai is an important forest pest in China, and causes serious harm to bamboo production. It is univohine, and overwinters in soil as eggs through its distribution area. The observation of embry- onic development was made by using the population collected from Taojiang, Hunan. It was proved that the embry- onic development could be divided into 10 stages. The blastokinesis of R. kiangsu might belong to anatrepsis, and it occurred primarily