It is still a challenge to generate interactively stylistic human motions satisfying userdefined constraints in computer graphics community. Previous works failed to generate stylistic human motions with both geometric and timing features. As a solution to this problem, a motion model called Independent Spatio-temporal Feature Space is presented in this paper. This model encapsulates spatio-temporal features for motion style which can be extracted from a deformable motion model with an unsupervised machine learning techniques-independent feature subspaee analysis. The spatio-temporal features are described as several low-dimensional subspaces. Motion style editing is subsequently achieved by blending low-dimensional parameters or solving space-time constrained optimization. Both geometric and timing features are considered in this work and a directly interactive interface is provided. The power and flexibility of this method are demonstrated by taking locomotion as examples. The experimental results show that this method is fast and effeetive for interactive motion style editing.