采用室内饲养与野外调查相结合的方法对东北地区亚洲飞蝗的生活史及主要的生物学特性进行了研究。结果表明:亚洲飞蝗在东北地区1年发生1代,以卵在土中越冬,越冬蝗卵6月上中旬开始孵化,6月中旬为孵化盛期,蝗蝻发育历期为28~35 d,每个龄期历时5~7 d,7月上旬末期开始羽化为成虫,7月中旬为羽化盛期,成虫羽化后约7 d雌雄两性开始交尾,7月下旬为交尾盛期,交尾约14 d后雌性开始产卵,产卵一直延续到9月末。生态环境条件对亚洲飞蝗的取食、蜕皮、羽化、交尾、产卵等生长发育及繁殖活动具有重要影响。
In order to find out the life cycle and the main biological characteristics of Locusta migratoria migratoria Linnaeus in Northeast China, raising and investigation were conducted during 2010-2011 in Jilin province. The results show that one generation of Locusta migratoria migratoria occurs annually in Northeast China, and the eggs are laid in soil to overwinter. The overwintering eggs begin to hatch in early or middle June and reach the hatching peak in middle June. The developmental duration of nymphs are 28 - 35 days, each spends 5 - 7days. The adult emergence time is in early July, and reaches the eclosin peak period in middle July. After about a week the adult male and female begin to copulate, and reach the copulation peak in late July. The adult begin to oviposit in early August after copulation for two weeks, and the oviposition activity has been extended to the early October. The environmental conditions have important influences on the growth and breeding activities of Locusta migratoria migratoria.