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GPS L1频段上的系统内干扰的研究
  • 期刊名称:宇航学报
  • 时间:2010.10.10
  • 页码:2402-2406
  • 分类:TN967.1[电子电信—信号与信息处理;电子电信—信息与通信工程]
  • 作者机构:[1]广西大学计算机与电子信息学院,南宁530004
  • 相关基金:广西大学科研基金(XB2090844); 广西大学科研基金(XGL090032); 国家自然科学基金(61004123); 广西高校人才小高地建设创新团队资助计划(桂教人[2007]71号)
  • 相关项目:全球卫星导航系统信号体制设计中的兼容问题研究

为了在L1频段上有效发射多个高精度的导航信号,GPS全球导航卫星系统设计在同一中心频率上发射多个信号,各信号频谱严重重叠,因此内部干扰成为系统首要考虑问题。通过详细分析GPS L1频段上M码、L1C码、C/A码和P(Y)码的载噪比衰减值,发现除C/A码受到的干扰较严重外,其它三个信号受到的干扰较小,CDMA干扰是主要内部干扰源。分析结果表明,通过有效设计信号参数来减小CDMA干扰,使各信号功率谱主瓣相互错开,并合理设置信号接收功率,可以有效控制系统内干扰。


As multiple signals are sent from the same center frequency in GPS L1 frequency band to improve bandwidth efficiency and accuracy,interference from different signals transmitted by the same system ( intra-system interference) warrants increasingly careful consideration. The CNR( carrier-to-noise ratio) degradation of M,L1C,C / A and P ( Y) code signals are computed based on the use of interference coefficients. The simulation results have shown that,under the considered assumptions,C/A code degradation is worse than other signals due to short-code,code division multiple access ( CDMA) interference is preponderant and drives the total intra-system degradation. It is found that codes design solutions, power spectrum envelope design and ground power control can optimize the total intra-system degradation.
