现有的服务组合工作流组合Web服务形成业务流程,没有对人工参与提供足够的支持。针对此问题,通过扩展商业流程执行语言BPEL4WS(business process execution language for web senrices)来描述流程,将人工参与服务化,参照WSDL-S和扩展UDDI(universal description,discovery and integmtion)来实现服务的描述和动态发现,人作为业务流程的参与者同Web服务一样统一协调调度,从而实现人机交互协调的服务组合工作流。
Manual tasks that need human participant to implement often exist in many business processes. However, few efforts are made in service composition workflow systems to address this challenge. Business process execution language for web services (BPEL4WS) is extended to describe the process; the manual participation is dealt with as services, the WSDL-S specification and the extended UDDI (universal description, discovery and integration) is used for service description and dynamic service discovery. The human beings as business process participants are coordinated together with the web services. Thus achieve human-computer interaction coordination in service composition workflow.