三维模型细节特征保持的滤波器设计在计算机图形学和计算机视觉领域得到了广泛地研究. 文中将三维网格模型的视觉感知粗糙度度量引进模型去噪滤波的极小化能量中, 提出一种基于粗糙度的三维模型保细节滤波器.首先在能量函数定义中引进基于模型粗糙度度量的一个平衡系数, 来调节模型光顺项和细节保持项对最终滤波效果的影响; 然后在原始模型和目标光顺模型对应顶点之间存在线性关系的假设下, 求解能量函数的极小化问题; 解该极小化问题得到最终的三维光顺模型. 将保细节滤波器分别应用到三维模型的光顺去噪和分层细节增强应用中, 结果表明了该滤波器的有效性和通用性.
The design of detail-preserving filter is a hot research topic in the area of computer graphics and computer vision. Incorporating the local roughness measurement of 3d meshes into energy minimization scheme, a novel visual perceptual roughness based local detail-preserving filter is presented in this paper. First, the energy function usually contains two correlative items: the smooth item and the detail-preserving item which will be balanced by the local roughness of the underlying model. Then, under the assumption that the vertices of smooth model are linear correlative with the corresponding vertices of original model, the proposed energy can be effectively minimized. The minimization of the energy will lead to the final smooth mesh. Our local detail-preserving filter can be applied to many applications, such as mesh smoothing & denoising, model layered detail enhancement, etc. Experimental results illustrate that the presented filter is effective and univer-sal to many applications of digital geometry processing.