目的:对1979年1月至2011年12月中国期刊数据库(CNKI)收录的中医诊治食管癌文献,通过频度分析总结中医证型和方药特点,以探讨食管癌中医辨证论治规律。方法:对所选文献中的证型、症状、方剂和药物进行统计归类,总结各证型、症状、方剂和药物出现频次和所占比例。结果:食管癌证型13个,痰气交阻、气虚阳微、痰瘀互结、气滞血瘀、脾虚气滞为常见证型,占67.7%;症状以吞咽困难、胸背疼痛、大便干、神疲乏力、形体消瘦、口干、呕吐痰涎为常见症状;舌质以红舌、淡舌为主,舌苔以厚腻、白、白腻为主,脉象多见细脉、弦脉、涩脉。食管癌所用方剂中自拟方居多,以启膈散、沙参麦冬汤、补气运脾汤、通幽汤较为常用。食管癌用药共182种,按功能归为39类,进一步合并为20大类。补虚、清热、化痰止咳类药的使用频次占52.6%。结论:通过对近30 a中医诊治食管癌证型、症状特点和方药规律的分析为目前食管癌的辨证论治提供参考。
Objective : Literature on the treatment of esophageal cancer by traditional Chinese medicine was collected from CNKI dated in the range from January 1979 to December 2011. Syndrome types, symptoms and prescription rules were summarized through frequency a nalysis so as to probe into the laws of TCM syndrome differentiation and treatment of esophageal cancer. Methods:Syndrome types, symptoms, formulas and medication were analyzed and classified statistically to observe the use frequency and proportion of every syn drome type, symptoms, prescription and medication. Results:There were 13 syndrome types of esophageal cancer,in which stagnation of sputum and qi, insufficiency of qi and yang, stagnation of sputum and blood, stagnation of qi and stasis of blood, stagnation of qi with de ficiency of the spleen were the common syndromes, occupying 67.7%. There were common symptoms, such as swallowing difficulty, pain on back and chest, dry stool, low in spirits and weakness in strength and emaciation;the tongue condition mainly presented red tongue, pale tongue ;tongue fur mainly presented thick greasy ,white and white greasy ;pulse mainly were stringy ,thin and uneven. 141 prescriptions were used in esophageal cancer with an application of a total number of 182 kinds of drugs ,which were classified into 39 types and further combined into 20 types according to their functions. Among them, the drugs of tonifying, heatclearing, relieving cough and resolving phlegm were frequently applied ,occupying 52.6%. Conclusion:Analysis on the syndrome types, symptoms and formulae application rules of treating esophageal cancer by TCM provides related references for the syndrome differentiation and treatment of esophageal cancer.