A novel design approach for creating an ultra-broad-band metamaterial absorber based on multilayer resistance films is provided in this paper. One unit cell of the absorber is composed of multilayer resistance films nipped between layered medi- um with a metal backboard. The resistance films at different layers are isomorphic, while their surface resistances are unequal. Simu- lated results of one four-layer absorber shown that the absorber has high absorptivity of more than 90% from 6.9 to 59.6 GHz at vertical incidence,it is polarization-insensitive and angle-wide and can keep strong absorption at TE or TM incidence when the oblique angle of incidence is 45°.In addition,the simulated results of several absorbers with different layer indicated that their ab- sorption would be stronger along with the augment of their layers, and the absorption band is wider at the same lime.