以芍药品种‘粉玉奴’(Paeonia lactiflora‘Fenyunu’)为母本,牡丹品种‘凤丹白’(Paeonia ostii‘Fengdanbai’)为父本,进行远缘杂交,观察母本‘粉玉奴’开花习性和柱头可授期,对杂交亲本的花粉进行了生活力测定和电镜扫描观察,并对授粉后花粉萌发及花粉管伸长过程进行荧光显微观察。结果表明:母本‘粉玉奴’的最佳授粉时间为花开放后的4-5 d;牡丹与芍药远缘杂交主要存在受精前障碍,‘凤丹白’花粉能够在芍药柱头上黏附并萌发,但是萌发时间滞后,花粉管的生长受到阻碍,并诱导柱头产生一系列的胼胝质反应,最终使花粉管难以穿过花柱进入子房完成受精。
The experiment was conducted to study the cross-compatibility between tree peony and herbaceous peony with Paeonia ostii ' Fengdanbai' cross with Paeonia lactifiora ' Fenyunu' , and then observe flowering habit and stigma receptivity of fe male parent. The pollen shape forms of both parents, as well as pollen tube behavior after pollination were observed. The best pollination period of P. lactiflora ' Fenyunu' was 4-5 d after blooming. The prefertilization barriers caused the sterili ty of the distant crosses between tree peony and herbaceous peony. Although the pollens of ' Fengdanbai' were able to ger minate on the stigma of any female parents that were used, the pollen tube elongating was hindered. The pollen induced the stigma producing series of callose reactions, which could not make the pollen tube into the ovary to complete fertilization through the style, ultimately.