在国际直线对撞机(ILC)上顶色辅助的人工色(TC2)模型下对Z玻色子与荷电top-pion对联合产生过程e~+e~-→Zπ_t~+π_t~-进行了研究.计算了过程e~+e~-→Zπ_t~+π_t~-的产生截面,发现在TC2模型所允许的参数空间范围之内该过程的截面最大可达到1 fb.考虑到荷电top-pion的主要的衰变模式π_t~+→tb,发现该截面在ILC能产生很可观的事例数.
In this paper,we investigate the joint production of charged top-pions pair and Z gauge boson in the topcolor-assisted technicolor (TC2) at the International Linear Collider(ILC) via the process e~+e~-→Zπ_t~+π_t~-.We calculate the production cross section of the process e~+e~-→Zπ_t~+π_t~- and find that the cross section of the process e~+e~-→Zπ_t~+π_t~- can reach 1 fb in a reasonable parameter space of the TC2 model.Considering the main decay mode of charged top-pionπ_t~+→tb,we find that such a production may provide copious events at the ILC.